
#98 SEO Interview Questions & Answers

#98 SEO Interview Questions & Answers

100 “SEO Interview Questions” by Digital Marketing Seekho is a comprehensive guide designed to help aspiring digital marketers prepare for interviews in the field of search engine optimization (SEO). Packed with a curated selection of industry-relevant questions, this resource equips candidates with the knowledge and confidence needed to ace their interviews and land their dream jobs. From fundamental concepts to advanced techniques, 100 “SEO Interview Questions” covers a wide range of topics, ensuring candidates are well-prepared to tackle any question thrown their way. Whether you’re a novice looking to break into the world of SEO or an experienced professional seeking to brush up on your skills, Digital Marketing Seekho’s guide is your go-to resource for mastering SEO interview questions and securing your place in the competitive digital marketing landscape.

Question 1. What is SEO in digital marketing?

Answer. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is a process or technique in digital marketing that involves optimizing a website for search engines like Google, Bing, Baidu, Duck Duck Go, etc. It helps businesses and individuals to target relevant audiences on search engines. Since almost everyone today has access to the internet, the majority of them search their queries on Google and other search platforms. By appearing for those search queries, websites have the opportunity to drive traffic to the website and make customers. To be able to appear for those search queries, called keywords, we need to do SEO.

Question 2. What is the importance of SEO?

Answer:-SEO plays a vital role in increasing the visibility of a website and business on search engines. It eventually helps in growing website traffic, attracting potential customers, selling products and services online, and growing the business. Let’s understand the importance or role of SEO in digital marketing in a bit more detail:

  • Build trust and credibility

With SEO, businesses or individuals can show their websites to an unlimited number of users. As visibility improves, it helps in building trust and authority.

For instance, if you search for terms related to digital marketing or SEO, you will find websites like,,,, etc., among the top results on the search results page. Since these sites repeatedly appear to users, it improves their branding and authority.

  • Reach a broad audience

There is no better organic way to reach millions of users than search engine optimization. By covering relevant content in a niche, a website can target a large base of audience.

  • Improving user experience

While almost every business today has a website, not all are optimized for search engines. When a website opts for strategic SEO, it means the user experience will be improved. As the majority of SEO ranking factors are focused on enhancing the UX, such as website security, loading speed, quality content, etc., the users of a business will have a highly satisfactory experience.

  • Lead generation and conversion

To grow the business, generating more leads and sales is crucial. Since SEO helps in attracting the right audience to the website, businesses have more opportunities to convert them into customers.

  • Helps businesses quantify the output

SEO is measurable or quantifiable. Using tools like Google Analytics, you can track the number of people visiting the website, time spent by users on a particular web page, conversion rate on product pages, and much more.

  • Long-term results

While businesses can generate leads and sales with PPC advertising and other forms of digital marketing, SEO is a sustainable technique.

Question 3. What is Google Autocomplete?

Answer:- The autocomplete feature on Google’s search bar assists users in completing their searches more conveniently and quickly. By suggesting relevant search queries based on real-time user input, this feature helps streamline the search process. In the realm of SEO, leveraging autocomplete provides valuable insights into popular search queries related to a particular topic, product, service, or business. This understanding enables marketers to align their content and strategies with the interests and needs of their target audience effectively.

Question 4. What is a domain name?

Answer. A domain name serves as the primary address through which a website or blog operates. For instance, the domain name for the website where you’re currently accessing about 100 SEO interview questions is Similarly, Microsoft’s domain name is Like unique usernames, domain names cannot be registered if they are already taken by someone else.

Question 5. What is the difference between a domain name and a domain name extension?

Answer. The domain name is the full name of a website like


Domain extensions, also known as top-level domains (TLDs), are the suffixes at the end of a domain name, indicating the type or category of the website. Here are some common types of domain extensions:

  • Generic TLDs (gTLDs)

Example:- (.com) Commercial, the most popular and widely used extension for commercial websites.

  • Country Code TLDs (ccTLDs)

Example (.us): United States

  • Sponsored TLDs (sTLDs)

Example (.edu): Educational institutions (restricted use).

  • New gTLDs (ngTLDs)

Example:- (.blog) For blogs and bloggers.

  • Restricted TLDs

Example:- (.museum)  Reserved for museums.

Question 6: What are keywords in SEO?

Answer. Keywords are the most common search queries of users related to a specific product, service, information, etc.

For example, We offer a “Digital Marketing Training Program” then first we need to find what people are searching for online

For the given above topic, the keywords can be:

  • “Digital Marketing Training Program”
  • “Digital Marketing Training Program With Placements”,
  • “Digital Marketing Training Program in Banglore”, etc.

By using the above keywords and its synonyms in your content as per the SEO standards so that your webpages can be ranked on Search Engines Results Page 

Question 7. What is keyword density in SEO?

Answer. Keyword density refers to the frequency with which a particular keyword appears within the content of an article or web page, expressed as a percentage relative to the total word count. For instance, if a keyword is used five times within a 500-word article, the keyword density would be 1%.

Question 8. Does keyword density matter?

Answer. Yes. It matters in SEO. It is because if we use several keywords numerous times in our content, it can sometimes lead to keyword stuffing. Keyword stuffing is bad for search engine optimization. Hence, it would be great to take the right keyword density.

Question 9. What is keyword stuffing in SEO?

Answer.  Google defines keyword stuffing as the excessive use of keywords on a web page to rank higher for those keywords, often resulting in unnatural and irrelevant content flow. This practice, once common among SEO professionals, has evolved. Presently, Google prioritizes content context and relevance over keyword density, discouraging the use of keywords in a manner that disrupts the natural flow of content.

Now, keyword stuffing is a black hat SEO technique and works as a negative SEO ranking factor. To avoid this, the keywords must be used within the content in a natural flow. No keyword should look as if it is forced.

Question 10. Can you share an example of keyword stuffing?

Answer.  Let us understand keyword-stuffing by looking at an example

“We offer Digital Marketing Training. Our Digital Marketing Training is curated by industry experts. If you’re thinking of taking a Digital Marketing Course, please connect with our Team of Digital Marketing Expert counselors Now

The use of multiple keywords and the number of times the same word is repeated In the same paragraph  as shown in the above content is an example of Keyword Stuffing

Question 11. What is keyword difficulty in SEO?

Answer.  Keyword difficulty refers to the level of challenge associated with ranking a piece of content for a particular keyword on the first page of Google search results. A keyword with low difficulty would require less effort to achieve a high ranking compared to a keyword with high difficulty.

Question 12. What are the different types of keywords in SEO?

Answer. We can categorize keywords in SEO based on length and intent.

Types of SEO Keywords Based on Intent:

  • Informational keywords

Example. What is Digital Marketing?

  • Navigational keywords

Example “Facebook login” “Digital Marketing Course Login”

  • Commercial keywords

Example “Buy Digital Marketing Course ” “Buy iPhone X”

  • Transactional keywords

Example “Order pizza online”

SEO Keyword Types based on Length:

  • Short-tail keywords

Example “Shoes”

  • Mid-tail keywords

Example “Running shoes for women”

  • Long-tail keywords

Example “Best running shoes for flat feet”

Question 13. Why keyword research is an important factor in SEO?

Answer. Keyword research is essential in SEO because it enables us to identify what users are searching for on search engines like Google. For any website to rank effectively, whether it’s promoting products, services, or content, the initial step is pinpointing the relevant keywords.

By utilizing the appropriate keywords, we can optimize our web pages to attain higher rankings and attract more traffic. Without this strategic approach, even well-crafted content and a well-structured website may struggle to rank prominently in search engine results.

Question 14. Where do we use keywords?

Answer. The keywords are used in several different places on a webpage. For on-page SEO optimization, we should use keyword(s) in:

  • The first word in the Meta title
  • Meta description
  • URL
  • in the first paragraph of your Page Content
  • Image alt tag
  • Subheadings and headings

Question15. What are seed keywords in SEO?

Answer. Seed keywords are those that have one to two words. These are short-tail keywords, typically with high monthly search volume and high SEO difficulty. These keywords help us in getting new ideas about other relevant keywords, like mid-tail and long-tail keywords.

For example, digital marketing is a seed keyword. It helps in finding other relevant keywords like ‘digital marketing course ordigital marketing services’.

Question 16. What are long-tail keywords?

Answer. As the name suggests, long-tail keywords are those that are longer or have more words. These are usually more targeted, and specific, and meet the user’s query. Such keywords are also great for voice SEO.

In general, keywords with more than three words are considered long tails. Another important characteristic of these keywords is that they have lower search volume but also low competition. It means that long-tail keywords are easier to rank for.

Question 17. What is the difference between long-tail vs short-tail keywords?

Answer. Both long-tail keywords and short-tail keywords play a major role in search engine optimization.

The difference between the two is that short-tail keywords are short (1-2 words), whereas long-tail keywords are longer (3+ words).

In terms of search volume and competition, the short-tail keywords have higher volume and high competition. Whereas, long-tail keywords generally have low volume and low competition.

The long-tail keywords are slightly more targeted and easier to rank for compared to short-tails. For a new or low-authority website that is trying to build some traffic, it would be better to go with long-tails.

Question 18. Can you give me some examples of long-tail keywords?

Answer. Here are some good long-tail keyword examples:

  • Best Digital Marketing Institute in India
  • Learn content writing from scratch
  • Make pizza at home without an oven
  • Best laptops in India under 70000

Question 19. What is the bounce rate in SEO?

Answer. The bounce rate of a website means the rate of visitors who come to a page on the website leave without taking any further action.

For example, a blog post on your website is driving good traffic, but the majority of users leave the page without clicking on any other links on the page. Then the bounce rate will be high.

For product and service pages, it can mean that users are leaving without buying anything or filling out the forms.

The bounce rate in Google Analytics is calculated based on the number of users coming to a web page and the number of users leaving without taking any action.

A user is considered bounced when he:

  • Closes the tab or window
  • Clicks the back button on the browser
  • Pastes a new URL in the URL bar or searches for something else
  • Stays inactive for a long time and the browser session times out.

Question 20. What is a sitemap in SEO?

Answer. A sitemap is a file that tells Google’s crawlers about the URLs of your website that you want them to crawl. It is like a link map of the site.

Google and other search engines read this file, and it becomes efficient for them to understand the structure of your site. In the sitemap file, the website owners or SEOs include all the URLs of web pages, articles, and more that are meant to drive traffic

Question 21. Why sitemap is important for SEO?

Answer. Sitemaps help search engines easily navigate to the site and discover all the intended URLs for crawling and indexing. So, it improves the crawling of the site, which is good for search engine optimization.

Usually, if there is a small website where all the links are available in the menu or footer, then Google can crawl these links easily. However, if you have a large website with hundreds of pages, then a sitemap becomes crucial. Otherwise, Google might now crawl some of the pages.

Question 22. How to find a sitemap for any website?

The easiest way to find the website sitemap is by entering the URL of that website and adding sitemap.xml behind it.

For example, if I want to check the sitemap of the digital marketing seekho website, then I’ll enter the URL ( followed by the sitemap behind it (

If the above URL doesn’t work for a website, then you should try the other alternative variations of the sitemap file name (followed by site URL), which are:

  • /sitemap_index.xml
  • /sitemap-index.xml
  • /sitemap.txt
  • /sitemap/sitemap.xml
  • /sitemapindex.xml
  • /sitemap/index.xml
  • /sitemap1.xml

Lastly, there is one tricky way to find a sitemap of a website, which is by first locating the robots.txt file of the website. In robots.txt, you can find the sitemap link.

Question 23. What is a robots.txt file?

Answer. Robots.txt is a file that is used for providing instructions to search engine bots about how to crawl and index the website & its pages. (.txt format), which means it includes only text, no HTML code. Its role is to avoid unnecessary visits by search engine bots on the site. Generally, this is the first file on the site visited by the crawlers.

Question 24. What is anchor text in SEO?

Answer. The anchor text is the clickable text on a page. In other words, if I have written a paragraph and hyperlinked one or more consecutive words, then the hyperlinked text here is the anchor text.

Usually, the anchor text is visible on the website in a different color than the normal content.

Question 25. What are meta tags in SEO? What are the different types of meta tags?

Answer. Meta tags are snippets of HTML code and these are used for structuring the content on a page and telling Google and other search engines about the content. For example, we can use a meta title to tell search engines what page title to show to the users on SERP.

Every page on a website has meta tags. These tags are part of the code and are not visible to the end users. The following are the primary meta tags used in SEO:

  • Meta title
  • Meta description
  • Meta robots
  • Heading tags (H1 to H6)
  • Image alt tags
  • Canonical link tag
  • Social media meta-tag

Question 26. Do meta tags help in SEO?

Answer . Certainly, meta tags can be beneficial for search engine optimization (SEO). They serve the purpose of informing search engines like Google about the title and description to display in search results, as well as providing insights into how the content is structured.

However, it’s important to recognize that not all meta tags will consistently contribute to SEO efforts.

Question 27. What is a meta title in SEO?

Answer. The meta title is the title of a page that is shown to users when that page appears in SERP. Also called title tag, it is also shown to users on the browser tab

Question 28. What should be the meta title length? Is there any character limit?

Answer. The ideal length of the meta title should be between 60 to 70 characters so that it is properly visible to the users on SERP. If the meta title is longer, Google will cut it off after the defined length.

One important thing to note is that Google is now considering the meta title length in terms of pixels instead of characters. The meta title should be within 580 px.

Question 29. what are the tools available to check the Meta title?

Answer. Yes. There are several tools to check the meta title length. A few of the tools we usually prefer are:

Question 30. What is meta description in SEO? Why is it used?

Answer. The meta description is the short summary of the intent of the page. It is shown in SERP below the meta title and helps in telling users what to expect on the page and convincing them to click.

Question 31. What is the alt tag in SEO?

The alt tag is an HTML tag used to define the intent or purpose of the image on a page to users and search engines. It is called alt text or alternative text.

Question 32. Why use an alt tag for images?

Answer. There are several crucial benefits of using image alt tags when it comes to SEO.

  • To tell search engines what the image is about. It is great for SEO.
  • In case the image fails to load, the alt text will appear to users.
  • If visually impaired people are browsing a page, the screen reader will speak the alt text. It helps them to better understand that there is an image and what it is about.

Question 33. What are the top ranking factors in SEO?

Answer. Below are some of the major ranking factors for SEO:

  • Use of targeted and relevant keywords
  • High-quality content
  • Website loading speed
  • Website security
  • SSL Certificate
  • Mobile-friendly
  • Backlinks from niche-specific authority sites
  • Optimized meta title and description
  • Image optimization
  • Proper use of heading tags
  • Internal and external linking
  • Fixing broken links
  • SEO-friendly URLs
  • Server location
  • Website uptime
  • Website usability
  • Low bounce rate
  • Domain authority
  • Sitemap
  • Canonical tags
  • Core web vitals

Question 34. How does Google Autocomplete work?

Answer. When people search their queries on the Google search engine, the platform understands the language, location, and interest of that query. Google shows the suggestions to other users accordingly.

Question 35. How to use Google Autocomplete for SEO?

Answer. Because Google Search’s autocomplete suggestions are derived from user queries, they offer valuable insights into popular search topics. This feature aids in identifying long-tail keywords and enables us to tailor our content accordingly. Additionally, autocomplete suggestions can be leveraged to target specific keywords within our content, enhancing its relevance and visibility

Question 36. What is a good keyword density percentage?

Answer.  While Google hasn’t provided specific guidelines for keyword density percentages, many SEO experts recommend maintaining a keyword density between 1% to 2%. This suggests using a keyword one to two times within every 100 words of content. This range is beneficial for avoiding keyword stuffing, ensuring that keywords are used naturally and sparingly within the content. Therefore, adhering to a keyword density of around 2% is often considered favorable for optimizing content without over-optimizing it.

Question 37. How to check the keyword density of a web page?

Answer.  The keyword density formula allows us to calculate the percentage of keywords used within the content. Here’s the formula:

Keyword Density Percentage = (Total number of times keyword used / Total word count in the content) * 100

By applying this formula, we can determine the keyword density percentage and ensure that it falls within the recommended range for optimal SEO without over-optimization.

Keyword Density Example

If  you are writing an article of 1000 words and using a keyword 15 times, then the keyword density will be:

(15/1000)*100 = 1.5%

Question38. What does the keyword difficulty score tell you?

Answer.  The keyword difficulty score indicates the level of challenge associated with ranking for a particular keyword on Google’s search engine results page (SERP). This score is determined by factors such as the number of websites targeting the keyword, the authority of those websites, and the quality of content already ranking for the keyword. Essentially, a higher keyword difficulty score suggests that it will be more challenging to rank for that keyword, while a lower score indicates that it may be easier to achieve a higher ranking. Understanding the keyword difficulty score helps marketers assess the competitiveness of keywords and make informed decisions about their SEO strategies and content optimization efforts

Question 39.  What is a good keyword difficulty score?

Answer. The appropriate keyword difficulty score depends on the specific website for which we are conducting keyword research. For high-authority websites with quality content and significant traffic, targeting keywords with high difficulty may be feasible.

However, for new websites or those with lower authority, it’s advisable to focus on keywords with low or medium difficulty. Prioritizing keywords that are easier to rank for initially can help establish a solid foundation for SEO success. As the website grows in authority and reputation over time, gradually targeting keywords with higher difficulty levels becomes more feasible.

In essence, it’s a strategic approach to start with achievable goals and gradually progress towards more competitive keywords as the website gains credibility and authority within its niche. This incremental approach allows for sustainable growth and optimization of SEO efforts over time.

Question 41. Can you categorize keyword difficulty scores into low, medium, and high?

Answer. The keyword difficulty score ranges on a scale of 1 to 100.

  • Low keyword difficulty score: 1 to 29
  • Medium keyword difficulty score: 30 to 70
  • High keyword difficulty score: 70 to 100

Question 42. What is keyword frequency in SEO?

Answer . Keyword frequency refers to the number of times a specific keyword appears within a piece of content. When a keyword is used repeatedly throughout the content, its frequency rate increases. Conversely, using a keyword less frequently results in a lower frequency rate.

The concept of keyword frequency is similar to keyword density, as both metrics assess how often a keyword is utilized within content. However, while keyword density is expressed as a percentage of the total word count, keyword frequency simply counts the number of times a keyword appears without considering the overall content length. Both metrics provide insights into how prominently a keyword is featured within content and its potential impact on search engine

Question 43. How many keywords can you use in an article?

Answer. The number of keywords to be used depends on the total number of words in the article. It is because we need to maintain the right keyword density. A good keyword density is between 1% to 2%. So, if I am writing an article of 1000 words, then I can use around 7-8 keywords. However, we must still ensure that every keyword is used in a natural flow.


Question 44. How to find long-tail keywords? Please share some tips and tools.

Answer. There are several ways to find long-tail keywords for search engine optimization. Here are some top tools and tips:

  • Make the most out of Google Autocomplete

When you type a short-tail keyword into the Google Search bar, Autocomplete provides a list of suggestions based on popular search queries related to your topic. These suggestions are generated in real time, reflecting what people are currently searching for on Google. Leveraging this feature can offer valuable insights into user search behavior, helping you identify relevant long-tail keywords, content ideas, and topics of interest to your target audience. Incorporating Autocomplete suggestions into your keyword research strategy can enhance your SEO efforts and improve the relevance and visibility of your content in search results.

  • Check the ‘Related Searches’ section

Much like Google Autocomplete, the Related Searches section located at the bottom of the search engine results page (SERP) displays queries related to your topic. Simply searching for your keyword on Google and navigating to this section can unveil relevant suggestions. While not all suggestions may be pertinent, this feature offers a valuable opportunity to identify promising long-tail keywords. Leveraging the Related Searches section enables users to uncover additional search queries related to their topic, enhancing keyword research efforts and optimizing content for improved search visibility.

  • Use keyword research tools

SEO tools such as Ubersuggest, Ahrefs, and SEMrush offer valuable features for discovering long-tail keywords and questions related to your topic. These tools utilize advanced algorithms and extensive databases to provide comprehensive insights into keyword trends, search volumes, competition levels, and more. By leveraging these tools effectively, digital marketers and website owners can identify untapped keyword opportunities, optimize their content strategy, and improve their search engine rankings. Whether it’s uncovering new long-tail keywords or exploring relevant questions that users are asking, maximizing the capabilities of these SEO tools can significantly enhance your keyword research efforts and overall SEO performance.

  • Use Google Keyword Planner from your Google Ad account

Google Keyword Planner, which indeed is a free tool offered by Google to assist in keyword research. Google Keyword Planner provides insights into search queries made by users through Google searches. This tool offers valuable data on keyword search volumes, competition levels, and suggested bid prices for Google Ads campaigns. Additionally, it helps identify long-tail keywords with lower competition, making it an essential resource for digital marketers and website owners looking to optimize their SEO and advertising strategies.

Question 45.  What are geo-targeted keywords in SEO? Explain with an example.

Answer. The keywords that show the searcher’s intent to find a local business based on location are called geo-targeting keywords. Let’s take another example. Someone searches for ‘Digital Marketing Training in Bengaluru’.

His intention is more likely to find and visit the local Digital Marketing Training in the city of Bengaluru. To be precise, you can say that the keywords that have some location in them are known as geo-targeted keywords.

Question 46. What are navigational keywords in SEO? Explain with an example.

Answer.  Navigational keywords are search terms that users input when they’re seeking a specific webpage or website directly from a search engine like Google. Users typically employ navigational keywords when they are already aware of or familiar with the web page’s product, service, or information and aim to locate it swiftly. These keywords indicate a strong intent to navigate directly to a particular online destination rather than conducting a broader search for information or solutions.

Navigational Keyword Examples

  • Boat Airdopes 141 Amazon
  • GoDaddy VPS Windows Server
  • Digital Marketing Course in Bengaluru

Generally, the navigational keywords have the name of the product, brand, service, location, etc.

Question 47.  Does bounce rate affect the SEO of a website?

Answer. Yes. Bounce rate refers to the percentage of visitors who navigate away from a website after viewing only one page, without taking any further action or engaging with the site’s content. A high bounce rate may indicate that visitors are not satisfied with the content, user experience, website speed, or other aspects of the site.

Since SEO aims to enhance the user experience and provide valuable content to visitors, a high bounce rate suggests that users may not be finding what they’re looking for or encountering issues that deter them from further exploration. Search engines like Google prioritize websites that offer a positive user experience, and a high bounce rate can signal to search engines that a site may not be meeting user expectations.

Furthermore, if the bounce rate for specific pages is significantly higher compared to similar pages on competitor websites, it can adversely affect the ranking of those pages in search engine results. Therefore, reducing bounce rate through improvements in content quality, user experience, website speed, and other factors is crucial for maintaining and improving SEO performance.

Question 48. What is the bounce rate formula? How do we calculate the bounce rate for a website?

Answer. The bounce rate formula allows us to calculate the bounce rate percentage for a web page. Here’s the formula:

Bounce Rate Percentage = (Number of visitors leaving the page without action / Total number of visitors on the page) * 100

By applying this formula, we can determine the percentage of visitors who navigate away from a web page without engaging further with the content. This metric provides valuable insights into user behavior and can help website owners identify areas for improvement in content, user experience, and overall site performance.

For Example:

Let’s understand the calculation with an example. If 1,000 people are visiting a web page, and 600 of them are leaving without taking any action, then the bounce rate will be:

(600/1000)*100 = 60%

Question 49. What can be the reasons behind the high bounce rate of a website?

Answer. There can be several reasons behind the increased bounce rate of a page. Some of the primary factors are listed below:

  • The speed of the page or website is slow
  • Lack of strategic internal linking on the page
  • Misleading meta title tag
  • Use of clickbait techniques
  • Users landing on a blank page
  • It is a landing page
  • Low-quality content
  • Poor UI/UX

Question 50. What is a session in Google Analytics?

Answer. A session is the period during which a user is actively engaged with a website, page, or mobile app. In GA:

  1. If a user leaves the site and returns within 30 minutes, it is considered part of the same session. This reflects the user’s continuous interaction with the site or app.
  2. However, if a user remains inactive on the site for 30 minutes or longer, or if they navigate to another website and then return, a new session is initiated. This signifies a break in the user’s activity or interaction with the site.

Understanding sessions in GA helps website owners and marketers track user engagement, analyze traffic patterns, and evaluate the effectiveness of their digital marketing efforts

Question 51. What is the average session duration in Google Analytics?

Answer. The average duration for a session in Google Analytics is 2 to 3 minutes. It is calculated based on the total session duration (time spent) by all users divided by the total number of sessions.

How to calculate Average Session Duration?

(Total Session Durations by All Users / Total Number of Sessions)

Example: Let’s understand this with an example. If the period spent by all the users is 800 seconds and the number of total sessions is 20, then the average session duration will be:

(800/20) = 40 seconds

Question 52.  What is dwell time in SEO?

Answer. The meaning of dwell time is when a user clicks on a result from the SERP, visits the page, and comes back to the SERP. The period spent on that page between visiting the page from SERP and coming back to SERP is called the dwell time. It happens so often when users browse the page to find whether it fulfills the purpose. The user can go back after consuming the content or return to SERP instantly (in case the page fails to meet the expectation of the user).

Question 53.  Does dwell time affect SEO? Is it a ranking factor?

Answer. Google has neither said that dwell time is a ranking factor nor has denied it. However, there have been certain clues that show that Google considers it while ranking a website. For example, the RankBrain algorithm by Google mentions that the search engine checks the time duration spent by a user on a web page. It means dwell time is somehow a ranking factor.

Question 54. How to create a sitemap for a website?

Answer. There are both manual and automatic ways to create a website sitemap. For small websites with a low number of pages, it can be created manually using Notepad. However, the best way to do this is by using an online tool like or my sitemap generator.

For WordPress websites, SEO plugins like Yoast SEO generate sitemaps automatically.

Question 55. Which SEO metrics are the most important to measure?

Answer. The most important metrics to measure in SEO are:

  • Ranking of primary keywords
  • Total website traffic every month
  • Click-through Rate (CTR)
  • Bounce Rate
  • Conversion Rate

Question 56.What does the term Sandbox mean in SEO?

Answer. Google Sandbox is like a filter that doesn’t allow newly-built websites to rank on the top results of SERP. Although Google has never confirmed anything such, experienced SEO professionals have observed it on several occasions. Even when they worked on all the SEO factors the right way, their websites didn’t receive top rankings for a few months.

Question 57. What is Google Suggest?

Answer. Google Suggest is another name for the autocomplete suggestions provided by the search engine giant. As discussed above, it improves the user experience for people searching their queries on Google. From the SEO point of view, it is a great option to look out for long-tail keywords and understand the search intent of users.

Question 58. What is keyword proximity in SEO?

Answer. Keyword proximity refers to the closeness or distance between two words or phrases within a piece of content. When the specified words or phrases appear closer to each other, the keyword proximity is higher. Conversely, if the words or phrases are further apart, the keyword proximity is lower.

Maintaining appropriate keyword proximity can contribute to better search engine optimization (SEO) by ensuring that relevant keywords are contextually associated with each other within the content. This can enhance the content’s relevance and readability, potentially improving its performance in search engine rankings.

Here is an example of keyword proximity in SEO:

  • The Digital Marketing Course offered by Digital Marketing Seekho is great. I love the institute.
  • It’s great to do a Digital Marketing Course. I love Digital Marketing Seekho Institute.

So, the keyword proximity is higher in the first sentence.

Question 59. What is keyword prominence in SEO?

Answer. Keyword prominence is the process of using the primary keyword of the content within the initial part of it.

For example, I am writing an article on the topic “Top SEO Interview Questions for Freshers and Experienced”. Here, for instance, my primary keyword is ‘seo interview questions’. Then I should try to use this keyword within the first 100 words.

It will give prominence to the primary keyword and tell the search engines that my content is related to this topic. Eventually, keyword prominence helps in search engine optimization.

Question 60. Why should we use long-tail keywords for SEO?

Answer. Long-tail keywords enable you to optimize your content for specific and highly targeted search queries, allowing you to attract more qualified traffic to your website. Additionally, competition for long-tail keywords tends to be lower compared to broader seed keywords or mid-tail keywords. This lower competition increases your chances of ranking prominently in search engine results for those targeted queries, ultimately driving more relevant traffic to your site and potentially improving your overall SEO performance

Question 61. What are transactional keywords in SEO? Explain with an example.

Answer. The keywords that show the intent of the user or searcher to buy something or take some important action are called transactional keywords. What it means is that there are higher chances of the user purchasing something. So, if that user lands on our website, the probability of his conversion is higher. Hence, it is recommended to use transactional keywords on product/service pages, as well as in ad campaigns.

Transactional keyword examples are :

Such keywords usually include terms like buy, deal, cheap, discount, where to buy, etc,

  • Where can I buy an iPhone for a cheap
  • Buy shoes for men
  • Web hosting deals
  • Earphones sale

Question 62. What is the difference between bounce rate vs exit rate?

Answer. Bounce rate and exit rate in SEO are not the same, even though there are some misconceptions around it. The bounce rate is calculated based on the number of users visiting a page against the number of users leaving without action.

On the other hand, the exit rate in SEO is calculated when a user comes to Page A, then goes to Page B, and so on, and then leaves it. The exit rate will be counted on the page where the user left the website.

The bounce rate is calculated only if the session starts on a page and ends there. Whereas, the exit rate is calculated when the user navigates to other pages from one page and then leaves the website from a certain page.

Let’s understand the difference between exit rate and bounce rate in SEO with an example:

  • Session A: Page 1 > Page 2 > Page 3 > Exit
  • Session B: Page 2 > Page 3 > Exit
  • Session C: Page 1 > Page 3 > Page 2 > Exit

Here, 2 users are leaving the site from Page 3, while one is leaving from Page 2.

So, the exit rate for Page 1 will be 0% since the users didn’t leave from here. Second, the exit rate on Page 2 will be 33% as one user left the website out of three sessions.

Third, the exit rate on Page 3 will be 66% as two users left the site from here out of three sessions. In this example, none of the users left the site from a single page. So the bounce rate on all three pages will be 0%. This is because the bounce rate is calculated only if a user comes to a specific page and leaves without navigating further.

Question 63. What bounce rate is good in SEO?

Answer. A good bounce rate varies on the niche of the website and the type of page. On average, the bounce rate should be between 40% to 50%.

Here is a quick overview of the good bounce rate in SEO based on niches and types of sites:

  • eCommerce sites: 20% to 45%
  • Content-based sites and blogs: 35% to 60%
  • Landing pages: 60% to 90%
  • Web portals, news sites, event sites, and dictionaries: 65% to 90%
  • B2B sites: 25% to 55%

In general, you can categorize the bounce rate as follows:

  • Poor: 70% or more
  • Average: 55% to 70%
  • Good: 41% to 70%
  • Excellent: 25% to 40%

Question 64. What steps can we take to reduce the bounce rate?

Answer. Here are some crucial tips to decrease the bounce rate of a website:

  • Ensure that your meta title matches the content
  • Improve content readability
  • Enhance website UI
  • Avoid too many ads
  • Add images and media on the page
  • Work on improving website speed
  • Use internal linking in a strategic way
  • Make sure there are no technical glitches

Question 65. What is the difference between dwell time and bounce rate?

Answer. There is a slight difference between bounce rate vs dwell time. In dwell time, the users come to a page from the SERP and then return to the SERP. Whereas, the visitors who bounce can come from SERP, social media, direct links, or anywhere else. Moreover, even if they come from the search results page, it is not guaranteed that they returned to that SERP.

The bounce rate is considered even if the users close the tab, type in a new URL, or go to another website.

Question 66. Other than XML, which sitemap formats does Google support?

Answer. Here is the list of sitemap formats supported by Google:

  • XML
  • RSS
  • mRSS
  • Atom 1.0
  • Txt

Question 67. What is the maximum number of links a sitemap can have?

Answer. A sitemap can have a maximum of 50,000 links. Google will not crawl more than it.If there are more than 50,000 URLs on a website, then multiple sitemaps will need to be created.

Question 68. What is the maximum file size a sitemap can have?

Answer. The maximum file size of a sitemap can be 50 MB. For sitemaps that exceed 50 MB, the best practice is to reduce their size and divide them into multiple files.

Question 69. Can you share some anchor text best practices?

Answer. Here are some of the tips for optimizing an anchor text for SEO:

  • Keep it precise

There is no defined word limit for the anchor text, but you should try to keep it precise. You can think about the user intent and decide what anchor text will drive more clicks.

  • It should be relevant to the linked page

The anchor text must reflect the topic or intent of the page link where users will land.

  • Don’t Overoptimize

An anchor text should not be over-optimized. It means don’t use the same keyword as anchor text for internal links and backlinks. It looks suspicious to Google, especially after the Penguin algorithm update.

  • Don’t use generic words

Many people put the link on common words like ‘click here’ and ‘read more’. This is not a good practice for anchor text optimization.

Question 70. What should be the meta description length? Is there any character limit?

Answer. The meta description character limit is 155 to 160. However, nowadays Google is counting meta descriptions based on pixels instead of characters. So, the meta description length should be below 990px.

Question 71.   What is SEO canonicalization?

Answer. Canonicalization in SEO is used to avoid duplicate URLs and content issues. This is done using canonical tags, which tell Google about the page URL that you want to be indexed.

Sometimes, a page can have multiple URL variations and parameters. Google might not know which URL to index. To avoid this, canonicalization is used.

Question 72. What is the difference between the alt tag, title, and caption of an image?

Answer. The following are the differences between image title vs alt tag vs caption:

  • Image alt tag

Its role is to tell Google and search engines about the intent of the image used. The alt tag is also helpful for visually impaired people as it speaks to the alt tag of the image.

  • Image title

It is the name of the image. Google also checks for the image title to better understand the purpose of the image. Moreover, whenever users hover over the image on a page, the title becomes visible.

  • Image caption

If you want to show some text under the image on a blog post or page, the caption is used. For instance, you can use it to show the ‘image source’, etc.

Question 73. What is a redirect meta tag?

Answer. The redirect meta tag in SEO is used for automatically redirecting the visitors from one page to another. This is usually used when a page is temporarily or permanently moved, or deleted, or the page URL is changed.

For example, if I am deciding to change my domain name and move the website to a new domain name, then the redirection tag can be used. All the users coming to the previous domain will be redirected to the new one.

Question 74. Why is an SSL Certificate a ranking factor?

Answer. The role of an SSL certificate is to secure and encrypt the data or information submitted by users on a website. This data travels from the browser to the website server. If an SSL certificate is not there, this data can be compromised or intercepted by hackers.

Since it hampers the user experience and results in data leakage for users, Google considers it a ranking factor.

Question 75. What is mobile SEO?

Answer. Mobile SEO is the search engine optimization technique to improve the experience and performance of a website for mobile devices. Since Google indexes the mobile version of the website, it is crucial now to go for mobile SEO. The reason behind Google considering it is that the majority of website traffic today comes from mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.

Question 76. What is the difference between do-follow and no-follow backlinks?

Answer. These are the types of backlinks. If it is a do-follow backlink, the PageRank signals or link juice will be passed to it because Google’s crawlers will follow the link. Whereas, the link juice will not be passed if it is a Nofollow link.

Technically, all the links are do-follow by default. On the other hand, the no-follow links have the rel=” nofollow” tag. Crawlers decide whether to follow the link or not on the basis of these tags.

Question 77.   What is SEM? How is it different from SEO?

Answer. The full form of SEO is search engine optimization. On the other hand, SEM stands for search engine marketing.

Let’s understand the difference between SEM and SEO.

SEO is the process of optimizing a website’s ranking and driving traffic from search engines organically. Whereas, SEM includes driving traffic from search engines both organically and through paid advertising.

So, for example, I am running Google Search Ads and also optimizing my website’ SEO, then I am doing SEM.

Question 78. What is keyword stemming?

Answer. The ability of Google’s algorithm to understand the context of the text on a page and match it with a relevant search query is called keyword stemming in SEO.

For example, if I have used ‘buy web hosting’ on my page, the search engine algorithm understands the different variations of the word ‘buy’. Accordingly, it can show the page to the users even when they search for things like ‘buying web hosting’ or ‘purchasing web hosting’.

Question 79. What are link penalties and how to recover from these?

Answer. Meaning of Link Penalty When you build a high number of backlinks to your website that are spammy, from

low-quality content, unnatural, repetitive, etc., Google will penalize your site and remove it from indexing. This is called a link penalty in SEO.

It is because Google considers unnatural and spammy link building as a violation of its webmaster guidelines.

Question 80. What is a link audit and its importance?

Answer. The process of auditing or checking the backlink profile of a website is called link auditing. A link audit is crucial for SEO to find whether the backlinks are healthy or not. During the audit, we can find if there are bad links that can hamper the SEO. Moreover, a high number of bad links can also cause link penalties. So, conducting a regular link audit is important.

Question 81. What is eCommerce SEO?

Answer. The process of optimizing an eCommerce website or online store for search engines is called eCommerce SEO. eCommerce sites are slightly different from general sites as these have a lot of products, categories, and images. The number of pages can be higher here and all the product pages need to be optimized to drive traffic.

Question 82. What is redirection and its types?

Answer. Redirection is the technique of redirecting users from one page to another automatically. This is used when a page has been moved to a new URL, deleted, or changed. If the redirection is not done, the users will land on a blank page or 404 page. This is bad for SEO. So, a redirection tag is used.

There are several types of redirections in SEO:

  • 301 Redirection
  • 302 Redirection
  • 303 Redirection
  • 307 Redirection
  • 308 Redirection
  • Meta refresh redirect

Question 83. What is the difference between 301 and 302 redirection?

Answer. 301 Redirection: It is used for permanent redirection. This tells Google that you have permanently moved the page or resource. Google will then index the new page.

302 Redirection: It is used for temporary redirection. This is done when you have set up the redirection for a particular time period. Google will then not remove the previous URL from indexing.

Question 84. What is Google AMP? Start with its full form.

Answer.AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages. It is an open-source web framework built by Google. AMP aims to optimize the websites for performance, smooth user experience, and load fast even when there are ads on the sites. When websites implement Google AMP, the pages become lightweight and offer high performance across all screen sizes and browsers.

Question 85. Tell me about the biggest mistakes that you have made in SEO.

Answer. Please note that this is among the most common SEO specialist interview questions. You must be prepared for it.

For the answer, you can go down your career lane and create a list of SEO mistakes you have made. These can be the times when you published duplicate content, created spammy links unintentionally that declined website rankings, did keyword stuffing in the initial stage of your career, etc.

Mention those mistakes that hampered the website rankings and the monthly traffic.

Question 86. What are contextual links in SEO?

Answer. Contextual links are those backlinks that have been built from a piece of content that has some context. The content should be relevant to the context of the link. In SEO, contextual links have more value than links built from website sidebars, footers, or irrelevant content.

Example of contextual link building

For instance, I have written and published an article on ‘how to learn SEO’ and tried to build a backlink to it from an article written on ‘how to become a digital marketer’. This article will be a good fit for me to build a contextual link, especially when there is mention of starting a career in SEO.

Question 87. How to develop a solid SEO strategy?

Answer. When you are applying for a senior role, this is one of the most asked SEO manager interview questions. You must have experience and knowledge of how to create a great SEO strategy for different verticals.

Before going for the interview, know about the industry/niche of the company, and understand what can be the best SEO strategy for that niche. If the business industry is as same as your current job, then things become a bit easier for you. Regardless of the niche, these are some common steps for creating an effective SEO strategy:

  • Research the right keywords according to business products, services, etc.
  • Perform competitor research to understand what they are doing to rank at top
  • Understand how you can do better than competitors
  • Find on-page SEO gaps and work on it
  • Optimize website content for search intent
  • Creating high-quality backlinks from niche sites
  • Optimize existing content and work on fresh content

Question 88. What is disavowed in SEO?

Answer. When there are spammy backlinks, it can hamper the ranking of the website on Google. We can use the disavow tool to tell Google that we don’t want certain backlinks to be counted.

The disavow is usually performed after link auditing or when the ranking of the faces loses in rankings.

Question 89.   Tell me about your greatest SEO success story.

Answer. You must be prepared for this as it is among the top interview questions on SEO for a managerial role. Here, you need to answer honestly and share your experience when you worked on a project and brought the website to Google’s first page for various high-volume keywords, or generated millions of monthly traffic.

The SEO success story varies for every individual. But since you are applying for the role of an SEO Manager, you have years of experience in this field. It means you definitely must have some good projects on which you worked

Question 90. What can you do in case Google bans your website because of black hat SEO?

Answer. If Google bans your website, the first thing to do is find the cause behind it. Black hat SEO is broad, like white hat SEO. You need to find and evaluate which black hat SEO technique has caused the penalty. Here are some of the things to look for:

  • Duplicate content
  • Links from poor websites
  • Spammy backlinks
  • Hidden links on the website
  • Keyword stuffing
  • Virus on website
  • Bad redirects
  • Cloaking

Once you have found the issue, it is time to fix it. For example, if you have found spammy backlinks, then you need to get rid of these links manually and submit the disavow report to Google.

In case you find duplicate content on the website, then first replace or delete it. Also, if your website is infected with viruses, make it a priority to fix it.

Wait for a few days after fixing the issues. Even after a couple of weeks, if the website rankings are not recovered, then send a reconsideration request to Google in a polite manner.

Make sure to mention the reasons behind the issues and that you have fixed everything before sending a reconsideration request. Real users from the Google team will look into it and recover the indexing of the site. It can take 10 to 30 days.

Question 91. What SEO verticals have you worked on in your career?

Answer. When you are asked SEO interview questions about verticals, you should mention your areas of expertise in search engine optimization and the top industries of your expertise. SEO and digital marketing need expertise in specific industries or niches. Because the strategies will be different for every niche. For example, if you have the majority of SEO experience in the EdTech sector, mention it. Also, talk about the top projects in this niche for which you have driven results.

Question 92. How do you measure SEO success?

Answer. The success factors of an SEO project may vary on the type of business and its objectives. In general, these are the core metrics or key performance indicators (KPIs) to consider:

  • Keyword rankings

The primary keywords related to the products or services should be performing well. If you have brought most of the primary keywords on the first page of SERP, it is a success.

  • Monthly website traffic

There should be a significant rise in website traffic over time. It is a crucial metric as the motive behind first-page rankings is eventually to bring the relevant users to the website.

  • Click-through rate (CTR)

CTR is another important metric to measure the success of an SEO project. It is because if your keywords are ranking but significant traffic is not coming, then it means your CTR is poor. To improve this, the meta title and meta description need to be optimized.

  • Bounce Rate

The bounce rate shows the percentage of visitors leaving the site without interacting or taking any action. If you have significantly reduced the bounce rate, it is a success factor.

  • Conversion Rate

The rate of visitors coming to your site and converting is the conversion rate. You can measure conversion based on your goal, like users signing up for the newsletter, buying a product, submitting the inquiry form, etc.

Question 93. What was the motive of the Penguin update?

Answer. The motive of the Google Penguin algorithm was to reward great websites for their quality and offered value while penalizing the sites that were manipulating the rankings.

Specifically, the Penguin update was harsh on the websites that were using link schemes and keyword stuffing. This update is still part of the core algorithm of Google.

Question 94. What is your previous experience in managing an SEO or marketing team?

Answer. In this type of SEO manager interview questions, you need to mention your real experience. If you were in a managerial role already, talk about the team’s strength, the top projects you managed, and your strategy to manage the team over the main SEO tasks.

Question 95. What do you think are the duties and responsibilities of an SEO manager?

Answer. Here is a quick list of the SEO manager’s responsibilities:

  • Create solid SEO strategies and execute them
  • Manage a team of SEO Freshers, Executives, and Analysts
  • Provide timely keywords to the content writing teams
  • Conduct technical SEO audits and suggest fixes to the development team
  • Optimize website content
  • Work on off-page SEO techniques
  • Check and analyze website data like traffic, rankings, etc.
  • Coordinate with social media and PPC teams for better campaign results

Question 96. Which are SEO factors that are out of your control?

Below is a list of SEO ranking factors that you can’t control:

  • Crawling and indexing time of new pages
  • Domain authority of the website
  • Updates in Google algorithm

Question 97. How do you keep yourself updated with the latest trends in SEO?

Answer. The answers to such interview questions on SEO depend on your personal preference. If you follow any specific blog, SEO influencer, or YouTube channel, mention their names.

For example, I follow Search Engine Journal, Excelr YouTube channel, and Neil Patel to keep myself up-to-date with the latest SEO trends and algorithm updates.

Question 98. Which is the best keyword density checker or calculator?

Answer. While there are several online keyword density checker tools available, there are a few on which we can rely:

  • Small SEO Tools
  • SEO Review Tools
  • Copywritely
  • Webfx


These SEO Interview Questions are most likely to be asked by the interviewers and will help boost your morale during job preparation. Complete knowledge of search engine Optimisation can be achieved by undergoing specialized training with our Search Engine Optimisation Master Course 2K24 to Be a certified SEO expert

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